Melbourne workshop theme -
"Risky business"
The AIAM team is happy to announce plans are well underway for our annual animal management workshop program for 18-20th October in Melbourne.
The team is excited to introduce this year’s keynote speaker – James (Jim) W Crosby, Division Chief Management Consultant (Chief) for the City of Jacksonville Animal Care and Protective Services, Florida USA.
Jim has extensive experience in animal crime investigation and teaches crime scene and other investigative procedures to Law Enforcement and Animal Control agencies. He will be presenting on various topics throughout the two day program and will facilitate a special information day on Friday 20th October.
Key note themes within the program for 2017 are expected to include:
- Animal transport showcase
- Forensics
- Investigation and Prosecution
- Recruitment and Training
- AMOs on the ground
If your team has been working on a project or have a prosecution that you'd like to share with other delegates, consider submitting an abstract to be included in the program. More information available by contacting Nell Thompson, AIAM Secretary.

Caroline Springs to play host for workshops
This year’s workshops will be held at the WestWaters Hotel and Entertainment Complex, Mercure Caroline Springs. For those outside Melbourne, Caroline Springs is a community located approximately 20 minutes from the city and 28 minutes from Tullamarine Airport with easy access to both freeways.
The complex is located across the road from a shopping centre and onsite has a sports bar, bistro, TAB, gym, indoor heated pool, plenty of undercover and open car parking and a beautiful outlook overlooking a lake. The conference facilities are lovely and modern.

Trade exhibitors wanted
Trade exhibitions are a major event at each AIAM Animal Management Workshop. There is high demand for products and services that support AMOs in the field. AMOs show keen interest in new, innovative or helpful Animal Management products and services.
‘Happening’ trade exhibitions can create a real ‘buzz’ before, after and during the breaks at the event.
Various exhibitor packages are available with fantastic promotional opportunities, such as:
- Company logo printed in Workshop Proceedings
- Logo included in Workshop signage
- Opportunity to address delegates in a 10 minute presentation
- Promotion of your business in 4 issues of the AIAM E-newsletter
- And more!
For all sponsorship, advertising or trade exhibition enquiries, please contact Elke Tapley, AIAM Vice President.
"What do you drive?"
Questions come up on a regular basis in all manner of forums and seminars when officers meet.
Is it a van with cages? A pod? 4WD or 2WD? Fibreglass of aluminium? Does it suit your team and area?
No matter which part of the country you are in, there is interest in all options available. At the AIAM workshops you will have the opportunity to not only speak with vehicle manufacturers about your needs, but receive feedback on what is currently on the road, what works and where the opportunities for clever design, innovation and modification which can make the difference for a safe workplace for staff, as well as the animals come into play.
With a showcase of animal transport vehicles, a highlight of the workshop, AMOs, dog trainers, vets, rescue organisation and foster carers are encouraged to attend and see what’s available to best suit your requirements.

National Desexing Network
Co-operative desexing program
To prevent the abandonment and euthanasia of cats, reduce numbers of wandering cats and reduce Council costs of collecting, Councils should consider the Co-operative desexing program, with the National Desexing Network (NDN).
How it works
- Council funds an annual amount, depending on population to subside desexing costs for cat owners in need
- Costs are shared between owners, Council, animal welfare groups and vets
- The program runs all year round and must be promoted once or twice a year, preferably in low breeding season between June and September
- Promotion, issuing of vouchers and vet reimbursement is currently managed free of charge by Animal Welfare Leaque QLD’s National Desexing Network experienced team.
To find out more email Joy Verrinder, Strategic Development Officer, AWLQ, NDN and G2Z Australia.
Get to know your Committee
Elke Tapley - Vice President

State: Victoria
What is your day job? My current role is Community Compliance Coordinator, Mitchell Shire Council
What is your work background? I've been in Animal Management in Local Government 21 years holding roles of Municipal Laws Officer, Project Officer and Coordinator during that time. Prior to that I dabbled in banking, health insurance and owned my own games and video store....luckily getting out before pay TV!!
What made you want to be involved in the AIAM Committee?
While in my role as Project Officer I was lucky to be part of the UAM/AVA Team of the Year which provided me the opportunity to see what occurs at a national level by attending and presenting at the Melbourne Conference in 2001.
This motivated me to become involved in networking to improve our practices and I started joining local committees, only joining AIAM in its first year 2006. Having access and input into new initiatives, overseas practices and research and then sharing that with not only my Council, but Officers from across Australia is a great feeling.
AIAM is an organisation built on experience and networks, run by volunteers to improve animal management practices and increase the profile of the work we do. I love seeing the way Officers deal with the same situations differently, think outside the box to positively reinforce responsible pet welfare and management and think AIAM is the perfect platform for doing that.
Do you have any pets? Umm...just a couple!!
Kelpie and a heeler cross, 3 moggys , 2 ferrets (pewww), 2 horses, 4 chooks, a Guinea fowl (gooney bird), some fish, 30 sheep (5 rescued as babes, abandoned, victims of dog attack or found after falling off the back of a truck!!) and an alpaca.
Do you have any hobbies or interests? (Other than the AIAM Committee!) I love to create and build things!! Recycling hardwood and pine timber pallets are my preferred materials, though I have also resumed my passion for ceramics over the past twelve months. I also enjoy gardening, reading and spending time hanging out (or in the paddock) with my menagerie.
What is something most people don’t know about you? When I was young I was a house model for Patons Wool appearing on knitting pattern booklets to show off the finished product....and I love Mustangs that much I named one of my dogs Shelby.....

Getting 2 Zero (G2Z) call for abstracts
The 7th national G2Z summit will be held 12-16 September on the Gold Coast. The call for abstracts is now open until 31/3/17.
G2Z are inviting local and international speakers to share their successful programs, achievements and research results relating to the theme, “getting them home, keeping them home”
To find out more visit the G2Z website.
Events calendar
SA Local Government Authorised Person Conference
25-26 May in Adelaide
Find out more at www.lgapa.com.au
If you have a state based training conference or meetings coming up, please let us know. We would love to come along and speak to your teams.
Email the AIAM Marketing Coordinator

Social Media
Don’t forget to share the AIAM Facebook page and Twitter account with your colleagues.
It’s a great way to keep up to date with what is happening and share information. We look forward to seeing you joining in the conversation.
