Domestic Cat Management Survey – Call for participants
RSPCA Australia released a report titled ‘Identifying best practice domestic cat management in Australia’ in May last year. Given the ongoing focus on domestic cat management, RSPCA Australia will be hosting a Feline Futures 2020 seminar in April this year in Melbourne, which is intended to bring together diverse stakeholders from government, industry, animal welfare, academia, cat owners/carers and the wider community to share knowledge and experiences to identify key challenges and opportunities to achieve more humane management of domestic cats.
As part of the Feline Futures 2020 seminar, the RSPCA has invited AIAM - Australian Institute of Animal Management Inc. to provide a short presentation on local government strategies for the management of domestic cats. This survey aims to collect relevant data which will be essential in providing an overview.
It is hoped that by sharing this information at the seminar, key priority areas will be identified for future collaborative work. The contribution by local government officers is greatly valued.
Please take the time to complete this survey - the results will be fascinating, incredibly useful and will provide important information for all stakeholders.